Life, Love and Enjoyment are the big three adjectives that describe the big energy for August. Lots of surprises coming in this month not only personally but on a colletic level as well! The great awakener, the planet Uranus, is shaking up our lives with an exact square with the Leo new moon. Adding tension to unlock and activate your heart to stop being stagnant in the old paradigm and programmed ways of living.
Venus retrograde will hit her climax when the planet of love clashes with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus , August 9th and August 22nd. Activating us to think about our finances, love life, and how we give love to others. Sudden break ups could happen or sudden revelations to activate you where you are staying stuck in old patterns that truly encourage your heart space to live in your truth. Just make sure as Jupiter gets closer to Uranus you're overspending or over doing it. If you are in sales this is a huge month for being people are going to be spending lots of money especially because the asteroid Lache will be on the North Node of Aries pointing people to success when they take charge. Old clients may be coming back from the past to buy your product or services again. Venus square Juipter be careful how much food you are eating. You are going to want to overindulge. Jupiter squaring Venus will also show where you are allowing people to take advantage of you as well or how people are using you for financial gain or love.
Black Moon Lilith in Leo the beautiful outcast divine feminine rebel is strongly impregnating this retrograde season and will roar loudly as she escalates calamity around the August new moon in Leo spurring Shocking New beginnings.
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