Sunday, August 13, 2023

Hello Astro-Friends

Wow we start this month off quantum leaping, with the Aquarius Super Full Sturgeon Moon. This full moon is a completion and a time to reap the rewards for all your hard labor, but first you might have to release a friend, a relationship, a business partnership! Can we say hello August!! Say, yes this month to all invitations. The universe has got your back. You might feel tired as you integrating the energies coming into August.

Are you excited to see what the stars have in store for you? Are you ready to take back your Lion courage and purge so you can quantum leap forward in your evolution? Last month was a doozy of energy purging a lot of deep rooted wounds. August is pivotal fated shift and divine is not messing around with all the retrograde energy. Pushing you to your limit of letting go and launching you forward. It’s time to flip the script.  

Enjoy – Missy


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