Friday, May 5, 2023

Full Flower Moon Today May 5th

This year’s Full Flower Moon takes place on May 5 in Scorpio, and this time around, it happens to be a lunar eclipse! The names of the full moons coincide with what’s happening seasonally, and according to the farmer’s almanac, May’s full moon is called the Full Flower Moon because of the flowers flourishing during this time of year.  

Full moons are generally regarded as periods of release, and lunar eclipses are especially famous for bringing great change. They’re also known for being a time when fated-feeling occurrences may take place! This lunar eclipse is in mystical Scorpio, which could find us exploring the deeper meaning of things. We may be contemplating themes like destiny and free will. Scorpio is also a zodiac sign that’s all about rebirth, and since eclipses herald big changes, this may be an especially transformative time. Let’s explore what this year’s Full Flower Moon could mean for us.

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