Wednesday, July 26, 2023

What's Happening in the World of Astrology?

July 31st the asteroid Lachesis: 120 the asteroid of good luck will be sextiling the asteroid 69230 Hermes-God of luck. He is the Greek God of gambling and good luck. If you have any planets at 29 degrees this transit could bring you good luck. It was also where we had the last solar eclipse point activated.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

What do the North and South Nodes Symbolize?

Your South Node represents the lessons, wisdom, and baggage you were already born with. Many astrologers believe that your South Node reflects your past life: Who you were, what you learned, and where your soul left off. We’re often “experts” at our South Node — it exposes themes that are familiar, accessible, and easily achievable. In many ways, the South Node signifies our spiritual comfort zone.

Your North Node symbolizes where you’re going in this lifetime. It reveals the energy you need to harness in order to fulfill your soul’s mission. The North Node offers insight into the passions, talents, and growth you need to access in order to reach your fullest potential. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that these qualities are often far from innate: The North Node is what we strive to bring into our lives — it’s what we must learn in order to live the life our soul aspires to experience.

Learn more, here.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Understanding CANCER Zodiac Sign

Do you or a friend celebrate your birthday between the dates 22nd June to 22nd July? So, when you were born the Sun was in the 4th sign of the Zodiac, CANCER.
Cancer is one of the most unusual signs because the Sun is being ruled by the Moon. This ultimately means that the Cancerian energy is given up to lunar ways, and this can lead to a confused life energy that you can spot.
Is the reason for the infamous Cancerian shyness? Is it shyness?

Monday, July 17, 2023

North & South Nodes TODAY, on July 17th

On July 17th, 2023, the North Node will enter Aries
and the South Node will enter Libra.

The north node is shifting into Aries. Where is the karmic shift happening in your personal chart? This is a pivotal shift happening in your birth chart. Book a pre-recording reading to see where the north node is shifting and the north node squaring Pluto in your natal chart, progressive chart and solar arc chart.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Medical Astrology Classes

Why is Medical Astrology Class Important?

Knowing your medical astrology gives you guidance and clarity of information for yourself and those that you love. In addition to educating yourself on how to take care of your own body and your needs as it pertains to you. 

What Can a Medical Astrologist Tell You?

Zodiac Signs & Parts of the Body
When reading your natal chart from a medical perspective it shows you how the influences of the sun, moon, and rising signs are identified in a person’s birth chart. As planets transit through the signs of the zodiac and the houses, they bring their own influences to your body. But we can organize, from head to toe, some basic information and characteristics of the 12 sun signs.

Example: I am a Scoprio, Scorpio rules the reproductive system, genitals, bowels, and blood. Other planetary aspects as well. Neptune rules the fluids of the joints and Pluto rules hormones and the endocrine system. Uranus is associated with electricity, which in the human body would be our nervous system. When these are hit by transit they may affect you. 

Through your natal chart, transits and progressive moon you can see how the energy affects your body.

Week 1: Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars 

Week 2: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus 

Week 3: Netune, Pluto, Lunar nodes 

Week 5: Astrology Body Types

Week 6: Emotional Health: Anxiety and depression 

Week 7: Mental Health: Memory Disorder, Dementia, Alzheimer's OCD  

Week 8: Foods to eat for your astrological body type 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Interesting Facts About VIRGO Zodiac Sign

Virgos are often stereotyped as hysterical perfectionists who criticize everything and everyone, and while they can definitely be that at times, the truth is that this sign is far more complex and interesting.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Learn Astrology

SEDNA – The inuit goddess of the sea and Marine Animals

She is the both Goddess of the Deep Abyss, who dwells in the deepest, most inaccessible part of the Arctic Ocean, and far outer reaches of known space as the dwarf planet. She is a mere 50 years from within her closest brush to Earth. Sedna’s watery energies are affecting each of us as individuals, resulting in some mental health crises, extreme tiredness, and icy, stuck emotions. Having to wade through intense psychologically buried emotions of frozen anger, resentment, disappointment etc. that comes up from the depths, due to betrayal, neglect or being swindled out of a good life. Needing to become unstuck; to forgive, heal and find renewal, in her own higher consciousness energy. Being abundant, giving, and more loving than before, but with a firm hand...

Read More, Here.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Important July Dates

July 1 - Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Where do you see your ideal life? Today is a day to dream big!!

July 1 - Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Today good luck and fortune are on your side. Great day for Gratitude and overall feeling of joy. 

July 2 - Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Did you make plans? Oh they might fall apart this day? Maybe you should take a girls trip! Great weekend to that. If you met someone this weekend it probably won't last long but boy is it fun!! 

July 3 - Full moon in Capricorn

Are you having too much fun this Summer? Being carefree and wild with all that Leo energy!! Time to buckle down and get to work or make a solid foundation for your future. Cleanup and buckle up on your public image.  

July 6 - Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Get your notebook out!! Downloads are coming hot!! Are you mentally stuck, here is your day to problem solve and come up with solutions.

July 9 - Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Hopefully you don't have big plans today! Your dreamy creative side wants to play, write, dream, manifest and check out on life today. 

July 9 - Pallas enters Virgo

Use the wisdom of Pallas to take care of your health over the next few weeks. This is a great time to connect with a nutritionist, a wellness coach, or even start journaling. Make sure your body and mind are working together in harmony. Did you sign up for medical astrology classes?  

July 10 - Mars enters Virgo

Time to battle with your mind, body and soul. Try not to be over critical of your body during this time, don't overwork yourself to exhaustion, and stop with that critical eye if it doesn't look good on you. Accept the things you can't change and see the opportunity behind the obstacle.  

July 10 - Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

HAHHA!! Not a good day for communication!! In fact, stay in bed and watch scary movies to get this energy off of you. Communication of all kinds is intense.  

July 10 - Mercury enters Leo

Hey! Hey! Guess who wants to join the Party! Mercury enters the dramatic Leo. Our thoughts are optimistic, bold and brave as we dare to try things that seem a little impossible.Creative writing anyone? Reach for those stars boo you got this!!

July 14 - Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Does anyone want to remodel? Great day to remodel, move, or change up the style in your home a bit!! Creative change is the name of the game today!

July 17 - North Node enters Aries

The Karmic scales have shifted!!The Aries-Libra axis is a fine line between independence and dependence.North Node in Aries is about being centered in yourself as opposed to paying attention to others. Are you ready to rumble!! Bring on the fire, time to move!! The Lunar North Node enters independent Aries. As you begin to dance to the rhythm of your own drum, make sure you don’t burn any bridges on your way out the door.

July 17 - New moon in Cancer

Anyone feeling a little emotional? Time to get out the kleenex and create a safe emotional foundation. Where do you want to foster your own emotional needs? Where do you need to create more of your own traditions?

July 17 - Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus

If the cancer new moon wasn't enough!! You will be in feels when you don't feel like you are being seen or heard emotionally. This cut-throat aspect can be very intimidating as everyone is fighting for a spot at the top. Give it your all but don’t do something you’ll be ashamed of. Lay down your sword, you don't have to prove your point.

July 20 - Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Lazy Day!! A day to check out, maybe write a forgiveness letter to yourself or someone you know. Let go of the hurt feelings and be more compassionate, empathic and caring. Forgiveness is for you not them. Be gentle on yourself.

July 20 - Mars in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces

Not the best day to make big plans. Your dreams on this day might fall apart. Your boss might reject your project. Try not to be overly critical and more optimistic on this day. Not the best day for working out, your libdo is low. Be patient with yourself and others.

July 21 -  Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

Ouch that hurt!! Your ego might get bruised today! You might be investigative energy trying to figure out what the heck happened!! Try not to overthink something into existence that isn't true. Lots of intense emotions can come to the surface today. People could also be projecting pain. Lay down your sword, it's not going to do any good! Find power within the pain.

July 22 - Venus goes retrograde in Leo Retrograde-anyone!!  

Venus begins its retrograde in Leo. This can be overly dramatic in the next few weeks. Hot girl summer has come to a close!! Just kidding! Not the best time to get married or start a new relationship. Put off any big financial moves as well, as Venus also rules money.

July 22 - Sun enters Leo

Where are my Leos at?  

Big, Big, Leo energy!! Spicy hot summer! The sun is adding fuel to the already hot fire!! You might be a little too much into yourself during this time with an inflated ego with all this Leo energy. Great time to write though, especially that self help book you have been wanting to publish but wait to publish after Venus is done retrograde and goes into Virgo.

July 23 - Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

OUch that hurt!! Where have you been not honoring yourself? Where have you neglected you? Triggers might come during this retrograde where you are giving all your energy away. Watch out for the wars or words you say. People are your teachers not your enemy. Go within and find your own self-love and power within.

July 23 - Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Watchout your words aren't weapons today! This aspect can wreak havoc in any form of communications. Before you blast off that email or text maybe you should ask yourself is this building a bridge or burning a bridge. Get that ego in check with all this Leo energy.

July 27 - Mercury in Leo conjunct Venus in Leo

Great day for blogging or writing! Put yourself out there bodly and proudly on social media. You are confident in the words you are speaking and they have a lovely tone to them as well. Your charm factor is high and you are wanting to flirt. Date night anyone?

July 28 - Mercury enters Virgo

Remember that book I told you to start writing. Now is the time your eye is critical and your mind is sharp to gloss over the fine points. Mercury feels at home in Virgo. We trade bold, vocitrust and the beautiful for pragmatism as our thoughts become more organized and ready to solve everyone’s problems.
